Crazy pills aside, my wife and I do a complete 180 on the best way to talk with our Tess.
Read More#102: Doctor Doctor, Gimme the News
The incredible shrinking girl. Something strange is going on with Tess. We have a new mystery to solve.
Read More#101: The Sankey Conversation
We've done something--brought an event on ourselves--that causes severe TBE. I can't figure out why the TBE, until a visit from a friend makes everything clear.
Read More#100: Dana Takes Control
We cross a bridge. There is no turning back. Is there?
Read More#99: Tess and the Dangerous Places
Tess has gotten tall. Almost nothing is out of reach anymore. Which is like: "YAAAY." But also like: "Oh crap."
Read More#98: Thankful for the Funny Lady
The holiday season with the T-Bird. Does she know it's Christmastime at all?
Read More#97: Go Away
We go on a vacation. Not a trip. The two are quite different, as you may know. And when we go, Tess stays home.
Read More#96: Our Girl Was Tough on You
An email blast from the past, a name I've not heard in a long time. And a message that demonstrates that although this job is hard, if you work with Tess, it's all worth it.
Read More#95: When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be a Sweetie Pie
A single day in first grade. An assignment comes home in Tess's bag. It is hard for us to read it. Let me tell you what it says.
Read More#94: Hooray for This Conference Call
This week: it's not about leveraging our synergies or any of that corporate-speak. It's just the best darned conference call I've ever had.
Read More#93: IEP Part 2 - Not the Way to Cleveland
This week: more fun with IEPs. And by fun, I mean frustration.
Read More#92: Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?
This week: what happened when Tess lost her temper recently. She didn't throw her toys, or do any of your standard tantrum things. What she did was much, much worse.
Read More#91: Tess TV
This week: make some popcorn. As Black Flag would say, we're gonna have a TV party. Tonight.
Read More#90: Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
This week: what if you need a community, but there isn't one? What then?
Read More#89: Iron Man, Thor, and Tess
This week: Spider-Man, Thor, Iron Man, The Hulk, Wolverine. What does Tess have in common with these Marvel heroes? And another question: what possible danger could Tess be in, when blowing bubbles?
Read More#88: Getting to Know You
This week: we head to the elementary school. We risk bullies and getting stared at. And we meet a new educator. Will she get it about our Tess?
Read More#87: Bring It On--New Battles in IEP-Land
This week: we fight a new battle on the IEP front. Niceness hasn't gotten it done, so we throw our toys. And one voice comes through, loud and clear, at precisely the right moment.
Read More#86: Au Contraire, Ma Soeur
This week: the latest connection. More discoveries, this time from farther away than ever before, as we try to unlock the puzzle of USP7 for the T-Bird.
Read More#85: Tess Meets a Boy from Maryland
This week: standing in the sea, up to our necks, Tess and I meet someone who's traveled some 500 miles. And that someone does something that I really, really like.
Read More#84: Super-Quick Genetics Update
This week: doing something a little different. Just a quick check-in, to give you a super-brief update on what's going on with Tess's genetics.
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