We launch our foundation with a huge blowout—a gala at our house for our gal Tess. What does it mean, and how do people respond?
Read More#142: Yes No Yes
To help our girl, last May we started a foundation. We boldly promised to cure this disease that Tess has. So where are we on that?
Read More#141: Tess Is A Punk
Tess is messing with us. For real. Do we give her a time out? Or do we just laugh?
Read More#140: Planting the Seeds
For episode 140, I'm doing something a little different this week. I'm sharing a talk I gave last week about our rare disease film festival. If we make a film about Tess, what will happen?
Read More#139: Roller Skating
The roller rink. Perhaps Tess’s favorite place from this past summer. What happens when I bring her there?
Read More#138: On Her Own at the Elementary School
Back to school. We see the biggest smile on Tess in weeks.
Read More#137: Big Girl Tess
Every night since the end of May, Tess has gotten an injection, just before bed. What’s it doing to her—good things?
Read More#136: The Snub
A full summer of work for our foundation is punctuated by a bizarre encounter over lunch.
Read More#135: Holidays in the Sun
A lucky pattern, one that lasts only a few minutes. But it has a profound effect on Tess for the rest of the day.
Read More#134: Not Much You Can Do After Elevensies
A long ride with Tess. It’s a mystery why she’s cranky. But we manage to solve it. Twice. Sort of.
Read More#133: Who Put This Empty Cereal Box Back?
At a certain point, I am unexpectedly not alone. I am irritated beyond belief, but I hold my tongue.
Read More#132: Summer Lovin'
She’s not exactly heading to sleepaway camp anytime soon. What’s keeping the T-Bird occupied this summer?
Read More#131: Growing Up Is Hard
How does it feel to grow? To grow up? Does it make you want to scream and smash things? Or can you find ways to laugh?
Read More#130: Tess Finds a Jewel in the Empire State
A much needed pit stop. As we are crashing and burning on a long trip, there is no safe harbor. Or is there?
Read More#129: Talking to the Fine Folks at Ibotta about Tess and USP7
If you’re in the Tess Army already, it’s because you care. You know Tess personally, or you’ve joined us and been following our story. But how do we get strangers to join?
Read More#128: Make It Go Clickety-Clackety
When T has a meltdown at school, she can’t learn. Takes hours sometimes to get her mojo back. And there’s one person there who we look to, to sort it out.
Read More#127: Father's Day Studio Ambush
My wife and son ambushed me in the studio and took over the show this week, while I'm in Denver. Enjoy!
Read More#126: Bacon, Saved
A special mission begins. A completely voluntary mission. For four people who are basically four-star generals in the Tess Army.
Read More#125: T-Bird Sunrise
Growth hormone, week one. It is already making changes in our girl. Not all of these are welcome changes.
Read More#124: Nighttime Additives, Fully Natural
We embark on a new chapter: the era of giving growth hormone to Tess. But she has some stuff in her past that makes us nervous.
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