This week, genetics. The mystery of Tess. Are we ready to give up?
Read More#27: Med Reckoning
This week, medication. Administering pills, liquids, ointments, whatever. To your kids. Is there a larger pain in the tookus?
Read More#26: Tooth or Consequences
This week, the milestones that don't get moved. That aren't delayed. The stuff that happens to your kid when they reach a certain age, no matter what.
Read More#25: Kindergarten Transition, pt 1
This week, the first episode in a series about the transition to kindergarten. Preschool is wrapping up. Our girl heads to the local public school in September. And we are sort of freaking out.
Read More#24: Summer Survival Guide, pt 2
This week, part 2 of my rules, helping stay-at-home parents rock out with the kids all summer. Happy kids, happy parents.
Read More#23: Summer Survival Guide, pt 1
This week, part 1 of my rules, helping stay-at-home parents rock out with the kids all summer. Happy kids, happy parents.
Read More#22: As Luck Would Have It
On this week's show, luck. We are bizarrely superstitious. Like, throwing salt over shoulders, and picking up lucky pennies. My wife and I know it's illogical and idiotic. But we do it anyway. And we're passing it along to our kids.
Read More#21: Put Down the Cracked Cup
On this week's show, taking care of yourself. Most of the time, you don't do it. But you gotta, if you're gonna be there for your kids.
Read More#20: I Blew It
I blew it. In a huge way. I made a mistake. The thing is, the mistake I made is one that I talk about a lot on this podcast. One that I can't stand, when other people make it.
Read More#19: Label My Kid Please
On this week's show, labels. Why we want one for Tess. Why, without a label for her, it's much harder to make plans for education and services. And why it seems like we might never get one.
Read More#18: Under My Roof, You Do Chores
On this week's show, chores. The tasks that multiply, boomerang on you, and eat your spare time. And unfortunately, Tess can't help at all.
Read More#17: What to Expect at an IEP Meeting, and What We Never Expected
If your kid has special needs or learning difficulties, you have to meet with special educators and make a plan called an individualized education program, or IEP. This week: what to expect at an IEP meeting. And what we never expected to happen.
Read More#16: Playdating
On this week's show, playdates. They're crucial for your kids, and good for you sometimes, but they can also be more awkward than a forced hug from a weird old uncle.
Read More#15: Dad Taxi
I am a driving machine. My kids do a million billion activities and I think I might go insane. But if I canceled them all, and sat at home with them, I think we might all go insane.
Got an idea for a podcast? We're looking for content here at PRM. Pitch it to me in the Facebook comments below, OR by email, bo[dot]bigelow[at], OR over on Twitter:
#14: Work-Life Balance
On this week's show, the work-life balance. Being present for your kids, and doing the job that pays your bills. Doing both. Having it all. Is it possible?
Read More#13: Astronauts Wanted
On this week's show, childcare--the people who help take care of your kids. Some are motivated and trustworthy. Others, not so much. And if you find a good one, you want to keep them forever.
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#12: Race Car in the Red
In this week's show, tapping out. Giving your spouse the sign that you're officially toast, you're in the red, and you're stepping away from kid 1, or kid 2, or perhaps all the kids.
Read More#11: Please, Be Seated
It's been called the real game of thrones. It's highly dangerous. It involves bribery, pleading, and the quadrupling of your week's laundry.
Read More#10: The Dana Show
My eight-year-old son Dana guest hosts while we're on vacation. He talks about school, happiness, and a mysterious injury.
Read More#9: Thanks and No Thanks
If you're not with me, you're against me. It's about finding the people with good juju, who want good things for you and your family. And cutting loose everyone who doesn't.
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