#22: As Luck Would Have It

On this week's show, luck. We are bizarrely superstitious. Like, throwing salt over shoulders, and picking up lucky pennies. My wife and I know it's illogical and idiotic. But we do it anyway. And we're passing it along to our kids. 

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#15: Dad Taxi

I am a driving machine. My kids do a million billion activities and I think I might go insane. But if I canceled them all, and sat at home with them, I think we might all go insane.

Got an idea for a podcast? We're looking for content here at PRM. Pitch it to me in the Facebook comments below, OR by email, bo[dot]bigelow[at]gmail.com, OR over on Twitter:  twitter.com/bobigelow.  

#14: Work-Life Balance

On this week's show, the work-life balance. Being present for your kids, and doing the job that pays your bills. Doing both. Having it all. Is it possible? 

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#12: Race Car in the Red

In this week's show, tapping out. Giving your spouse the sign that you're officially toast, you're in the red, and you're stepping away from kid 1, or kid 2, or perhaps all the kids.  

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#9: Thanks and No Thanks

If you're not with me, you're against me. It's about finding the people with good juju, who want good things for you and your family. And cutting loose everyone who doesn't. 

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