#51: One-Item Wishlist

Santa hit our house around 11pm this year, according to the Norad tracker. But something was missing for Tess. This week:  Tess's favorite Christmas gift--one thing that Santa couldn't have delivered. 

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#49: Bad Day at Dog Park

I want to tell you a story this week. It's got nothing to do with holiday cheer. It's just a thing, or series of things, really, that happened to me and Tess a few weeks ago.

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#48: How I Foiled the Thieves

This week, what we wish we knew. It woulda been so much easier if somebody told us this stuff. Pulled us aside and said, "Hey, I did this two years ago with my kid. Whatever you do, make sure you do X." Welp, I'm gonna give you two tips--two simple things that we've learned--and hopefully they'll help you.

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