This week: we head to the elementary school. We risk bullies and getting stared at. And we meet a new educator. Will she get it about our Tess?
Read More#87: Bring It On--New Battles in IEP-Land
This week: we fight a new battle on the IEP front. Niceness hasn't gotten it done, so we throw our toys. And one voice comes through, loud and clear, at precisely the right moment.
Read More#86: Au Contraire, Ma Soeur
This week: the latest connection. More discoveries, this time from farther away than ever before, as we try to unlock the puzzle of USP7 for the T-Bird.
Read More#85: Tess Meets a Boy from Maryland
This week: standing in the sea, up to our necks, Tess and I meet someone who's traveled some 500 miles. And that someone does something that I really, really like.
Read More#84: Super-Quick Genetics Update
This week: doing something a little different. Just a quick check-in, to give you a super-brief update on what's going on with Tess's genetics.
Read More#83: PermaToddler (Intellectual Disabilities Part 2)
This week: what if you had a toddler who never grew up? All that stuff you do, busting your tail to care for them -- what if you could never stop doing that? How long could you last?
Read More#82: Here's the Deal (Intellectual Disabilities Part 1)
This week: an epic fail. It happened because I wasn't ready. I have a speech about Tess and it isn't finished. But it needs to be.
Read More#81: Tess's Island
This week: trip or vacation? Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. To an island. And it's longer than a 3-hour tour.
Read More#80: Keys to the DeLorean
This week, if I knew then what I know now. Three things that I wish I could hop into a Delorean and go back to like 2012 and whisper into my own ear.
Read More#79: I'm On To You, Mike
This week, I talk about Mike Posner's "I Took a Pill In Ibiza," special ed directors, and fighting. Lots of fighting.
Read More#78: Camper Tess
This week: Tess is a camper. She went to day camp and I was there to see it all. What's camp like for our girl?
Read More#77: If You Are Still Breathing, Vacation Is Good
This week: Little Big Horn. Waterloo. Actium. And Bar Harbor, Maine. Sites of some of the greatest defeats ever. Can we avoid disaster with Tess this year?
Read More#76: The Golden Days of MC Hammer
This week: Joan shows us more ways that she kicks ass. And I wax nostalgic for July days, lake swims, and MC Hammer.
Read More#75: Top 5 Funniest Tess Moments
This week: the top 5 funniest Tess moments of all time.
Read More#74: A Test We Actually Enjoy Taking
This week, does Tess have autism? And given her vision issues, can we ever really know this for sure?
Read More#73: Safe from Mosquitoes and Other Badness
This week, a group of heroes in Maine. They aren't busting bad guys on rooftops. They're in classrooms, one at a time. And they're on Tess's side.
Read More#72: Tess Doesn't Like Frozen
This week, who is Tess? What sort of girl is she? And what happens when she gets her first purse?
Read More#71: A Sherman Tank Instead of an Elevator
This week, a special report: we're giving Tess an extra tight squeeze when we hug her. And we have a very good reason for this.
Read More#70: Apple vs My Car
This week, when something disastrous happens, you gotta call it a mixed blessing. Because in this case, it actually is.
Read More#69: The Closest Match Yet
This week, Tess is a media star. She's all over the place. Which is nice. But there's a way that the snowballing effect helps her, and us, like never before.
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