This week: there's a finish line in front of Tess. Within sight. She's been inching towards it for years. Is this the week when she finally crosses it?
Read More#67: A Bad Break
This week: it's a sunny morning in Connecticut. In an instant, without warning, something dreadful happens. Our family ceases to be boring. And our spring changes completely.
Read More#66: How Not to Get the Crazies at Work
This week: it's the hardest job I've ever had--being home with Tess. What happens when I add another job?
Read More#65: Somebody at Recess Loves You
This week: is Tess loved and accepted by her classmates? Bullied? Stared at and avoided? Let's find out.
Read More#64: What Some Dude Said about My Wife
This week: a guy on a curb said something about my wife. But I didn't slug him. Because he was right.
Read More#63: Florida, Airports, and Alonzo Mourning
This week: Houston, we have a problem. What happens when things go awry with Tess while we're traveling.
Read More#62: Parallel Stars
This week, we have a conversation we've been waiting to have for pretty much Tess's entire life.
Read More#61: Reach > Grasp
This week, Tess is getting ambitious. Every day we help her do more. But we're getting antsy for the real work to begin.
Read More#60: The Rarest of All Days
This week, uniting the clans. Getting together to make stuff happen for rare-disease families. Mainers are a private, reticent people. Is anybody out there?
Read More#59: Busted
This week, somebody said something unfair about Tess's disability. And it came from somewhere we least expected. But luckily, a hero stepped in.
Read More#58: The Wanderer
This week, I saw progress from Tess. With my own eyes. In a hallway and in a series of offices, on a Thursday afternoon in the town of Windham, Maine.
Read More#57: What Happens When We Fight
This week, what happens next -- I'll give you the lowdown on our showdown with the school district about Tess's evaluation.
Read More#56: What School Districts Should Not Do to Tess
This week, I'm not playing games. The latest round in advocating for Tess. Fighting to get an eval that could change her entire life as we know it.
Read More#55: Big Sister Tess
This week, we spend a weekend in another world. One in which we are six instead of four.
Read More#54: I Speak for the Dads
I've been home with Tess for almost six years now. I've had some epic fails, sure, and I'll talk about some of them. But I know what I'm doing. This week, I speak for the dads.
Read More#53: Beleaguered but Still Bright
This week, we're taking Tess on the road, to see some drummers. What we find is something much more than that.
Read More#52: Hey, Who Moved My Q?
This week, we've declared: this is the year of talking.
Read More#51: One-Item Wishlist
Santa hit our house around 11pm this year, according to the Norad tracker. But something was missing for Tess. This week: Tess's favorite Christmas gift--one thing that Santa couldn't have delivered.
Read More#50: The Top 4 Most Validating Moments of 2015
It's been quite a year, 2015 has.
Read More#49: Bad Day at Dog Park
I want to tell you a story this week. It's got nothing to do with holiday cheer. It's just a thing, or series of things, really, that happened to me and Tess a few weeks ago.
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