This week, what we wish we knew. It woulda been so much easier if somebody told us this stuff. Pulled us aside and said, "Hey, I did this two years ago with my kid. Whatever you do, make sure you do X." Welp, I'm gonna give you two tips--two simple things that we've learned--and hopefully they'll help you.
Read More#47: What to Get Your Dad for Xmas
This week, what Dads really want for Christmas. We're hard to shop for, and we say we don't want anything. But is that true?
Read More#46: Tess Is an Old Soul
This is a long road. Having Tess means that we move slowly. But every once in a while, there's a moment. A breakthrough.
Read More#45: Animal House
This week, a different kind of birthday party. We toss out the traditional festivities and instead focus on what Tess will like. Or at least what we think she'll like.
Read More#44: Talking Is Harder Than We Thought
This week, our language quest continues. Tess listens, with mild amusement, as if to say, "Oh, look at you with your cute little communication app." So, is this gonna work, or what?
Read More#43: I Got the Toy Store Blues
This week, Tess turns six. Her classmates sing happy birthday, we celebrate her at home, and I take a shopping trip that turns out to be awful in ways that I never expected.
Read More#42: Speaking In Tongues
This week, what happens when we go all in with communication. We finally pony up for a device that'll let Tess talk. What's she gonna say?
Read More#41: The Tess Army
This week, the Tess army. We're growing. We're everywhere. And we love the T-Bird dearly.
Read More#40: Don't Push This Button
This week, we're getting back into it with language. T has increasingly complex thoughts and wishes, and we gotta unlock those for her. Hitting it hard with signing, talking, and maybe even some AAC devices.
Read More#39: I Need Genetics For Dummies
This week, the next chapter in figuring out Tess's genetics. She's in the thick of it at kindergarten, we're moving forward with the crew at Baylor, and we have a mysterious plan B that's just getting underway.
Read More#38: These People Just Don't Get Tired
This week, part 2 of 2 about the Global Genes conference. I talk about the untiring advocates. Where they came from. What brought them here. And what makes them keep going.
Read More#37: Learning to Ruffle Feathers
This week, ruffling feathers. What that means. What we know we need to do now, to get stuff done and help Tess.
Read More#36: Are You With Us?
This week, what we did when we found our people: the researchers who study our kid's gene and disease, and the other kids who have USP7 issues. We're done, right? Search over? Nope. We have work to do.
Read More#35: We Find An Answer
This week, the next chapter of Tess's genetic journey. We finally, finally get some answers.
Read More#34: Kindergartener Tess
This week, Tess goes to kindergarten. I'll give you the lowdown on the final few days of August, and how things went on her first day.
Read More#33: Art Camp Is Dangerous
This week, the boy gets hurt in the last possible way we expected. And Tess soldiers on--taking steps, losing teeth, and chilling out more than ever before.
Read More#32: Surprises on the Genetic Trail
This week, the latest on Tess's genetics. What we've learned so far, who we've met, and where we go from here.
Read More#31: Kindergarten Transition, pt 2
This week, part two of the T-Bird's transition to kindergarten. We meet her special ed teacher, we start to relax about things a bit, and then that relaxation gets all messed up, when we get some news that's a total and complete curveball.
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#30: The Genetic Mystery Continues
This week, our next move in unpuzzling the genetics of Tess. We enroll with CrowdMed, to crowdsource it up. Will it give us some answers at last?
Read More#29: Alcatraz-Style Escapes
This week, safe sleeping for Tess. Have we finally found a solution?
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