Something happened to Tess. Something that fills us with dread.
Read More#182: Pipes
Our family puts our heads together to solve a new problem for Tess. And we totally crush it. Sort of.
#181: Travel Bug
Three things we need when we take the kids to Bar Harbor. Not just beer.
Read More#180: 3 Years Back in Time
I've been banging my head against a digital wall for six months. And this week I finally broke through.
Read More#179: 365 Shots
A girl. A prediction. A wrong prediction. And a really, really weird result after the one-year mark.
Read More#178: Four Extraordinary Boys
Four incredible boys unite to start up a lemonade stand, a special one. Not to get candy money, but to help our Tess.
Hey! Watch some local news features about the lemonade stand: |
"Local Lemonade Stand Makes National Difference" / News Center Maine - WCSH & WLBZ |
"Local Kids Raise Money For Rare Genetic Mutation Research" / WGME
#177: MC
This DJ, literally those are his initials, is my favorite MC.
Read More#176: Tess the Fragile
What does prog-rock have to do with Tess? And what did she do this week to scare the bejesus out of us?
#175: The Power of The Home Depot
Some of the greatest minds in social media turn their attention to Tess and our foundation.
Read More#174: The Wildest Experiences Become the Best Stories
25 hours of running, accompanied by some of our dearest friends and Tess's greatest supporters.
Read More#173: Atlanta part 2
Part 2 about our recent trip to Atlanta. Brunch treats, cousins, and walking. Walking the heck out of the place.
#172: Atlanta part 1
The first in a 2-part series about our trip to Atlanta. Will Tess give us a hard time, or turn out to be a real peach?
Read More#171: Jackie Chan, Prohibition's End, and Us
April 7th. The birthdays of Billie Holiday, Jackie Chan, and Russell Crowe. Also the day that prohibition ended in the US. And now a red-letter day in our house as well.
Read More#170: Quick Update + Bryan Leach of Ibotta
A snapshot of Tess, April 2018. What she's into, and what she's not into. Plus BONUS CONTENT - a full episode of Eurekatown from a few years ago, all about Bryan Leach of Ibotta.
Read More#169: Switcheroo
A former foe returns. And like in cartoons, we forget past wrongs and he teams up with us for an episode.
Read More#168: Happy Ski-ster
The Easter Bunny pays a visit. Tess is unexpectedly thrilled. This is a new development
Read More#167: Tess's BFF
Tess has been in school for a long time now. Since she was two. At this point, does she have a best friend? If so, who?
Read More#166: ASMR You Ready to Go?
An activity that's been hit or miss for our girl. But this time Tess is a complete rockstar, in every sense of the word. Maybe it's because of what she did to start her day.
Read More#165: Maybe It's Not Just Me
When it comes to Tess I don't have it all figured out, but I know one thing. There's a way to make things better.
Read More#164: The Supermarket Answer
What I tell you about Tess depends on several factors. Want the real, authentic truth? Well, how much time do you have?
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