#328: The Machine Is On

Buncha new stuff happening. An emerging sign of Tess's overall happiness, a plan we've hatched to meet up, and recent discoveries around the globe.

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#325: Shot

Orange Julius, Chess King, and KB Toys. Today I'm thinking of all these mainstays of shopping malls from my childhood. Because my travels today are taking me to a totally 80s mall.

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#320: RDD in the 207

Once a year as a planet, we take a day to honor all rare diseases. It's traditionally been a time for us to climb up to the highest tower we can find and shout USP7 for the entire day. Until we lose our voices, basically. But in 2021 we did something different.

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#318: Level Up

We've often said that vacations are the times when Tess takes steps forward. When she unleashes a new skill or ability. When she levels up. And this week was no exception.

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#311: See Ya, 2020

People have some choice words for this year of 2020 as it ends. Most of which I shouldn't repeat on this here podcast, in case your kids are listening. But despite this year's challenges, we're choosing to look at a different side of it all.

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#310: Better Than a Walkman

Sometimes you're tired. And sometimes, when you're tired you just try something because you don't know what else to do. And once in a while, that thing you try turns out to be just right.

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#309: Olfactory Adventures

Very few things are as precious in our household as our morning cup of coffee. And very few things are as sad as when it gets spilled. Nevertheless, these days we're bringing our cups as close to Tess as we can.

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