Tess is out of school for the summer. Let's go do something fun with our girl.
Read More#447: Island Blues
It is our long-awaited week off in the summer. It's our turn at the island house we share with my wife's siblings. And just about every moment Tess is trying to tell us something very specific.
Read More#446: Traveling While Nonverbal Part 3
We're concluding our series about travel with our girl. She attends a party, tries to sleep, and at the end of it all gets back in the car.
Read More#445: Traveling While Nonverbal Part 2
Over the years, we've learned about what works when we travel with Tess. We're still learning. She shows us new ideas all the time. And this voyage is no exception.
Read More#444: Traveling While Nonverbal Part 1
Along the highways and byways, there are quagmires wherever you look. The filthy bathroom in Hampton, New Hampshire. The police speed trap in Chicopee, Mass. And heck, there's an entire stretch of over 130 miles that couldn't be less friendly to our Tess.
Read More#443: Hit It
It's 448 miles to Syracuse, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of Larabars, it's dark...and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it.
Read More#442: Decaffeinated
This episode is decaffeinated, much to our chagrin. And a small creature will make an appearance.
Read More#441: Tess's Power Plant
With five minutes before go time, Tess makes a move. And all hell breaks loose.
Read More#440: A Conversation with the Boy
On the road with the lad. A special trip that I took this week.
Read More#439: What's For Dinner
Tess is ready to eat. I don't know what time it is, but that statement is true regardless of day or time.
Read More#438: Containing Hyperphagia
Tess's hyperphagia makes an appearance at a birthday party. No zone or man-to-man defense can stop her.
Read More#437: Signposts
Certain items have meaning for Tess. They are positively loaded with meaning, so much so that they're like full paragraphs for her.
Read More#436: The Anti-Bullies
You unfortunately hear from time to time about bullying in schools. But one thing you don't hear enough about are the anti-bullies. The people working, day after day, to prevent bullying.
Read More#435: Only Three More
I haven't done this in a while, but I am calling upon you, Tess Army. I need you to do something for me.
Read More#434: Malade
Tess isn't feeling well. This is highly unusual.
Read More#433: Back Out There
What happens if you go quiet for four years? Is speaking like riding a bike?
Read More#432: Her Bark Is Worse than Her Bite
I take the two girls, Tess and Penny, to a dog park. It is one of Tess's least favorite locations in the greater Portland area.
Read More#431: Diagnosis Day
Let's talk about diagnosis day. Daniel made a new film about that day. It's a big day, really.
Read More#430: Did You Miss Me
Spring is in the air. I'm back from a trip, and I got some key USP7 updates for ya, including a check-in with Miss Tess.
Read More#429: Piano
In our house is a very large and extremely heavy object. Tess has found it utterly fascinating for most of her life.
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