#466: We Gotta Stop Meeting Like This - Part 1

Our sweet Tess returns to the emergency room, for the second time in a month. The latest in a long line of medical mysteries involving our girl.

Our sweet Tess returns to the emergency room, for the second time in a month. The latest in a long line of medical mysteries involving our girl.

#465: Despondent

What's a word you'd pretty much never use to describe Tess?

What's a word you'd pretty much never use to describe Tess?

#456: Conference in Denver

Restarting. Resetting. Getting things back on track with our first usp7 conference since 2019. This one had some developments that can only be described as seismic.

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#453: Amber Turbo

Think of our foundation as a car. The car is six years old. It has traveled many many miles and been all over the place. And we have just installed a turbo.

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#449: I Might As Well

Tess has come a long way through physical therapy. Learning to walk. Loosening her upper body and reaching upwards over time. Going up and down stairs. But there's one thing she just won't do.

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